All in Rat Race

Micro-Decision Fatigue

I read a quote somewhere on the internet once that read something like this: “You do not need to have an opinion on everything.” Isn’t that little reminder freeing? Sometimes, we forget that we have the ability to…

The Art of The Tactical Knee

As we watch the world around us change, anxiety can set in. Economic stress, political stress, family stress, the holidays are approaching, COVID-19, preparing for winter to set in… and the fact that 2020 has served as one of the craziest years in recent memory. When I served in the Army, I taught the practice of the ‘tactical knee.’ What is this? During military training…

The Power of Determination

How strong is the mind? If you have ever served in the U.S. Military, you have probably had a leader tell you, “your weakness is in your head!” What? How does that make sense? If you listen to any story about soldiers or citizens that accomplish a seeming impossible task, they typically say something about…

12 Weeks 'til Christmas

Are you already planning for the upcoming holidays? Good! Next week, 4 Oct 2020, gives you 12 weeks until Christmas to plan and strategize so that gifts, meals, and events are all within budget and leave everyone with memories of joy, and not remorse, come January. If you’re like most folks…

Psychology of Spending Series

Does it feel like there are many, many strings pulling your money out of your wallet? Ever wonder who’s pulling on those strings? Or how those strings got tied to your hard-earned cash out of your wallet? Explore this Psychology of Spending series to better arm your self against all of the forces working to separate your cash from your control!

Impromptu Mindfulness Journey

Last night, I got back from an impromptu vacation. I really needed the time out to sit and be a bum and read all week, while enjoying wonderful dinners every night with the love of my life. For as much as I try not to complain…