

Welcome to our adventures in growing our food and financial independence.

Yay self-sufficiency and ending the rat race!

Psychology of Spending Series

Psychology of Spending Series

Does it feel like there are many, many strings pulling your money out of your wallet? Ever wonder who’s pulling on those strings? Or how those strings got tied to your hard-earned cash out of your wallet?

Explore this Psychology of Spending series to better arm your self against all of the forces working to separate your cash from your control!

The Psychology of Spending Part 1: The Magic of Advertising

Like a frog in near-boiling hot water, we may not realize the advertising stew that we find ourselves in on a daily basis. It’s all around us, all the time. Corporations spend millions of dollars on advertising, targeting…

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The Psychology of Spending Part 2: The Dopamine Hit

It feels good doesn’t it? You are walking through your favorite store, looking at all the things that should rightfully be in your home. Your walk slows, you give each item a long look and a feel. The anticipation builds within you. As if there is some psychic connection between the sensors in your fingers and one of the credit cards in your wallet/handbag, you can…

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The Psychology of Spending Part 3: Willpower Defense

Awareness of a scheme alone, in my opinion, does not mean you will not fall into the financial trap that has been set for us. It takes will and determination to overcome a personal vice. Please entertain a short tangent. Back in 2003, I found myself preparing for…

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The Psychology of Spending Part 4: The Heart of the Matter

This is where its going to get personal. When I was growing up, I would associate happiness and success with the collection of things…new things. As a child, my father would tell me something I now know was meant to frame my thinking as an adult. “Be careful about…

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How Bad Do You Want It?

How Bad Do You Want It?

The Psychology of Spending | Part 4: The Heart of the Matter

The Psychology of Spending | Part 4: The Heart of the Matter