

Welcome to our adventures in growing our food and financial independence.

Yay self-sufficiency and ending the rat race!

2020: The Clearest Call to Start the CampFIRE Journey

2020: The Clearest Call to Start the CampFIRE Journey

2020: This year has been jarring to say the least… and it’s only July. The internet is replete with memes about how the next big event of 2020 will make the previous look like child’s play. Everywhere you look, it would appear the world is losing its collective mind. All of our established institutions are on shaky ground and the body politic seems to be on the brink of some form of unrestrained uprising.

We notice all of this from our homestead, our little piece of heaven in the country. If we did not keep up with the news, we would never really know that America is in dire straits. We watch what is happening in major population centers and are more thankful than ever that we don’t live there. It does, however, make me feel sorry for those people locked in the “concrete jungle(s) where dreams are [supposedly] made of.

If you are reading this, you likely understand that I have understated the issues happening in America. You also almost certainly understand that those major population centers are ground zero for the next crisis. If you happen to believe that life sends you signs, what more could you possible need to see before you start your campFIRE journey? Is it easy? No. Does it require some self reflection? Yes. Does it require planning? You bet! But as my Love has stated in another post, “It is so worth it.

Let 2020 serve as your clarion call!

Let me explain: Fireworks Are unAmerican

Let me explain: Fireworks Are unAmerican

This Is My Jam

This Is My Jam