Check out these great resources to help you grow your campFIRE journey success!

Note: We are not affiliated with any of these websites, we just use and appreciate them ourselves!


Are weekends too short? Does the Rat Race have you down? If you find yourself asking “When can I retire?” this link is for you! This is a quick, handy tool to help you understand how many years of your current spending and saving you have until you can retire on a 4% withdrawal rate.


Mr. Money Mustache is a great FIRE blogger. If you’re wondering “why the 4% withdrawal rate?” from above, this blog is for you! He shows how taking your annual expenses x 25 can quickly help you approximate how much you need for retirement, and why!


FIRECalc is an incredible tool. This 3.0 version allows you to calculate so many variables, you can easily get lost in creating different scenarios when retirement planning. We highly recommend experimenting with inputs to account for different possibilities. It’s great to help you visualize your FIRE timeline, what expenses and investments might look like, and tinker with the timelines because, realistically, our fiscal demands and constraints change throughout our lifetime.


LiveLoveFruit does a great job showing you how much space food for one person takes up, assuming that one person will eat all that food (for example, if you don’t like eggplant, don’t plant eggplant!), but also a lot of details for how to plant the seeds or seedlings within your garden space, and how frequently. There’s a lot to evaluate with food math! Don’t forget to record your efforts to make adjustments for the following year easier!


Joel Salatin, the unwitting founder of campFIRE homesteading (aka homesteading debt-free to build a self-reliant, even profitable, homestead) writes a daily blog to keep you thinking about homesteading, permaculture, and nutritious food.


This view-only tool allows you to track all of your accounts with only one log-in, against budgets and goals. Heather has used this since 2009 with no security issues. It’s very helpful to see everything, in one place, and to track your trends.