All in Financial Independence

Burning Out & A Way To Keep Your FIRE Blazing

I originally wrote this in June of 2019 after writing an article for another site, but it’s lived as a draft ever since. Then it felt in poor taste to post this during 2020 while the world was so chaotic. Now, I realize how unrealistic it is that burnout could cease to be an issue while we were collectively confronted by all sorts of insane circumstances. If anything, talking about burnout probably would have made a lot of sense! Regardless, burnout is starting to really resonate again regardless of the pandemic, and maybe even because of it in some ways.

Defense Against The Dark Arts: Devilishly Tricky Credit Cards

This article was almost titled: Why I HATE Credit Cards… And Why I Still Have One. Obviously a lesson against the Dark Arts makes more sense. #stillwaitingformyHogwartsletter

Credit cards freak me out. They always have. Have you ever heard anyone accuse another person of spending on a credit card, as if it was the most sinister thing they could do? Personal finances are deeply personal, and there are TONS of…

2021 Goals

We use this phrase a lot around here: “For all things, there is a season.” In winter, we prioritize resting and hibernating, and planning for the following year. It’s a great time to reflect on the past year, and plan for adjustments or improvements for where we are on our goals. We brainstorm goals for the next year, and put pen to paper to map out options. I love doing this. I love when My Love and I sit on the couch in the back room and plan on the chalkboard, and…

You Can't FIRE Without A Budget

We get it. Loads of people don’t budget. We watch our account balances, and ride somewhere in the middle, and go on to the next thing, rather than sweat tracking each transaction, categorizing it, and measuring the activities against pre-determined goals. I love data. Give me the stats, the figures, the charts, the…

How To: Give Yourself a DIY Sale on Hamburger

Stretching our grocery dollar budget always seems to be a challenge. I’m all about penny pinching, coupons, sales, buying in bulk and repackaging, and meal planning. When I get the receipt and it shows I’ve saved $20+ at the grocery store, it feels worth it. (Until I wonder how much they artificially inflated prices in order to “save” that much.) But regardless, by only buying…

Your Credit Score & Being Debt Free: A Closer Look

It is said that understanding begins with a common comprehension of terms. If you have ever experienced an instance of talking past someone in a conversation, you know this to be true. Especially when both parties realize they are using the same term but differing definitions. The longer our FIRE journey is, the more we realize that FIRE has no…

12 Weeks 'til Christmas

Are you already planning for the upcoming holidays? Good! Next week, 4 Oct 2020, gives you 12 weeks until Christmas to plan and strategize so that gifts, meals, and events are all within budget and leave everyone with memories of joy, and not remorse, come January. If you’re like most folks…

How Bad Do You Want It?

In early 2006, I was stationed in Alaska. A young paratrooper in the U.S. Army preparing for my first deployment to Iraq. I remember our Brigade had a rigorous pre-deployment training schedule that even the most seasoned leaders found ambitious. We jumped a lot, both from fixed and rotary wing aircraft…

The Psychology of Spending | Part 2: The Dopamine Hit

It feels good doesn’t it? You are walking through your favorite store, looking at all the things that should rightfully be in your home. Your walk slows, you give each item a long look and a feel. The anticipation builds within you. As if there is some psychic connection between the sensors in your fingers and one of the credit cards in your wallet/handbag, you can almost visualize the…