All in Personal Growth

Burning Out & A Way To Keep Your FIRE Blazing

I originally wrote this in June of 2019 after writing an article for another site, but it’s lived as a draft ever since. Then it felt in poor taste to post this during 2020 while the world was so chaotic. Now, I realize how unrealistic it is that burnout could cease to be an issue while we were collectively confronted by all sorts of insane circumstances. If anything, talking about burnout probably would have made a lot of sense! Regardless, burnout is starting to really resonate again regardless of the pandemic, and maybe even because of it in some ways.

Do You Know When to 'Cut Sling Load?'

For you U.S. Army Vets that are reading this, it’s not about the detailed steps involved in the Air Assault procedure of dropping the load under the helicopter. Sorry. The saying, at least across the military, is synonymous with avoiding danger and/or an untenable situation. Some Veterans also use the adage, “Slip Right,” a Paratrooper term for avoiding a bad situation, or, “Break Contact,” a combat operational term that is a call to retrograde and discontinue engaging with the enemy. Please note, this is not synonymous with quitting. This is not looking at a situation, determining that it’s too hard, and giving up because it’s uncomfortable, your body hurts too much, or you are tired…

2021 Goals

We use this phrase a lot around here: “For all things, there is a season.” In winter, we prioritize resting and hibernating, and planning for the following year. It’s a great time to reflect on the past year, and plan for adjustments or improvements for where we are on our goals. We brainstorm goals for the next year, and put pen to paper to map out options. I love doing this. I love when My Love and I sit on the couch in the back room and plan on the chalkboard, and…

Where Do We Go From Here?

2021 is off to an interesting start. I decided on the word interesting because it best captures the reality in what we live in… “may you live in interesting times” -Chinese proverb. Heather and I have had many conversations about what 2021 will bring. I believe we are pretty smart cookies, but we did not predict what happened in Washington D.C. on 6 January. However, we have…

Message > Messenger? I Think, Yes.

Ask yourself a question. Are you an objective person? I’ll expound a bit. Do you have the ability to analyze information in an unbiased manner? If you just said yes, are you sure? Don’t be insulted, lets talk about it and see how objective you are.

Objectivity Exercise…

Let’s engage in a mental exercise. Ready? You are leaving a restaurant where you just had….

Semper Gumby [Always Flexible]

In the military, Semper Gumby translates to ‘Always Flexible’. Although I did not serve in the U.S. Marine Corps, the adage is used military-wide. In hindsight, I only actually remember it being used when things were going wrong or there was some unexpected change to our plans. Homesteading very much reminds me of my military service, except…