All tagged homesteading

Where Do We Go From Here?

2021 is off to an interesting start. I decided on the word interesting because it best captures the reality in what we live in… “may you live in interesting times” -Chinese proverb. Heather and I have had many conversations about what 2021 will bring. I believe we are pretty smart cookies, but we did not predict what happened in Washington D.C. on 6 January. However, we have…

Semper Gumby [Always Flexible]

In the military, Semper Gumby translates to ‘Always Flexible’. Although I did not serve in the U.S. Marine Corps, the adage is used military-wide. In hindsight, I only actually remember it being used when things were going wrong or there was some unexpected change to our plans. Homesteading very much reminds me of my military service, except…

Why Joel Salatin Is So Important

We admire Joel because he has been able to, through many years, gain and implement his understanding of proper relationship between nature and animal husbandry, which he calls ‘permaculture’. What’s beautiful about his process is that he is able to operate on the land to support our modern food consumption but not disturb the natural cycle to the point to where it results in disease and pestilence.