

Welcome to our adventures in growing our food and financial independence.

Yay self-sufficiency and ending the rat race!

What You Must Come to Terms With Before CampFIRE Homesteading

What You Must Come to Terms With Before CampFIRE Homesteading

What I am about to say is possibly the single greatest realization I recommend you come to before charging into the homestead arena. Depending on how much you pay attention to the things happening around you, this may or may not be a surprise. Concerning the things that have the most significant implications on our lives, food and finances, you have been and are constantly lied to.

Take Two Red Pills…

That’s right! One to wake up to the truth about Money and one for the truth about our Food. [Hey, Matrix fans]

Why does understanding this matter? Your level of give-a-damn will directly drive the zeal you have with respect to campFIRE homesteading. If you don’t really care that unsafe ingredients are in the “food” you purchase from the drive thru or grocery store, there is really no reason to work towards growing your own food. If you don’t really care that debt is a financial instrument used to enslave us and make sure we work until we are old and grey, there is no real reason to seek financial independence.

That’s right, if you are okay with just going along to get along… this is not for you. In fact, you should go back to making sure you know everything that is happening with Hollywood entertainers and/or sports athletes, perpetually keep up with the Joneses, and live far beyond your means. However, if the realization that we are lied to about what is in our food and the reality of the financial landscape, you are in the right place. Listen to that little voice that is telling you that something is wrong.  

CampFIRE Homesteading is a call to action to reclaim control over your life, specifically your food and your finances.

At every turn we have to be ever vigilant about what food we are buying and what is in it. Even our government agencies allow corporations to engage in word play concerning our food. You heard that right, “organic” doesn’t mean what you think it means. Nor does “free range.” It’s not even really a secret. Major corporations understand optics. So much so that they use litigation to ensure no one can see how their livestock are raised. This is because they know if people knew the truth, they would take their dollars elsewhere.

If you are a fan of old mob movies, the scene where the money collector shows up with a baseball bat to claim the money is not lost on you. Loan sharks! Dirty thugs who prayed on desperate and ignorant people to exploit them. Not only did you owe back the loan, but some ridiculous amount of interest. But we don’t give this same practice conducted by financial institutions a second look. The Federal Reserve creates money out of nothing, Congress spends our children’s future away like it’s a pass time, and we collectively slave away to pay back national debt that can mathematically never be repaid.

What’s the answer? CampFIRE homesteading. The combination of homesteading and financial independence. I like to think of it as telling “The Man” to go play in traffic. We will grow our own food, build our own things (within reason), and tell Uncle Sam thanks, but no thanks to being a debt slave. We don’t accept the notion that was sold to our parents and grandparents, that our golden years are those few years we have left after working for 20, 30, or 40 years and we are taking 15 medications for our broken bodies. “Golden Years.” My ass!!! Just think about the lunacy of that concept.

We say no. We say no to the lie! We take charge of our health through our food. We reclaim our lives by removing the chains of financial servitude.  

We choose campFIRE homesteading. We choose freedom. We choose life.

What do you choose?

Three Paths to FIRE

Three Paths to FIRE

Make Magic In Your Kitchen: Ghee

Make Magic In Your Kitchen: Ghee