All in Homesteading

Are We Better Off Without Food Regulators?

We get not everyone has time to grow and process a garden. It can feel like a lot of work, especially in the heat! But loads of people, like myself, would love to buy homegrown and canned pasta sauce from someone I knew who canned amazing homemade pasta sauce from their garden produce. Full of only food, no mystery, from someone local. What could be cleaner than this? But without a $15,000 federally inspected food police kitchen, this can’t happen…

Meat Nuggets: Episode 2

Welcome back to our Meat Nuggets series! If you missed Episode 1, click here! Since the first update, we have weaned the kits (aka meat nuggets aka baby meat rabbits) from their mommas, and moved them to the rabbit’s pasture grow-out cage. That’s right, these little ones have all the grass they can eat, along with…

Non-Food In Our Food

I’m incredulous and pretty heartbroken at the moment. I don’t like to dwell in the negative, so I’ll end on a high note, I promise. But stand by for some bad news. I couldn’t believe what I just read…

Our First Year On This Homestead: Her Thoughts

This week marks our first week on the homestead. I have no idea where the time went. Moving in so late in the summer/early fall, about all we did when we first got here was buy a zero turn mower (cash of course), to keep our 5+ acres in check as we unpacked and settled in. Oh, we did put in a fire pit the day after we moved…

How Bad Do You Want It?

In early 2006, I was stationed in Alaska. A young paratrooper in the U.S. Army preparing for my first deployment to Iraq. I remember our Brigade had a rigorous pre-deployment training schedule that even the most seasoned leaders found ambitious. We jumped a lot, both from fixed and rotary wing aircraft…

Meat Nuggets: Episode 1

We have meat rabbits. The two females (does) and male (buck) are like pets. We feed them every day, and they love getting their ears scratched when we do. We bred them in late June, and now we have…