

Welcome to our adventures in growing our food and financial independence.

Yay self-sufficiency and ending the rat race!

Let me explain: Fireworks Are unAmerican

Let me explain: Fireworks Are unAmerican

The Fourth of July… Independence Day… a day where Americans celebrate our founding fathers’ decision to fight for self-rule. Parades, patriotic music, family barbeques with friends and neighbors, playing outside and enjoying the summer afternoon off on the national holiday… all excellent ways to celebrate our freedom.

I admit, when I see fireworks stands, I am tempted to snag some smoke bombs as bug defense for garden chores. But I’m too worried it would affect the plants I want to eat to actually give it a go!

But fireworks, as a good idea, as a symbol of freedom? How is spending more than $1 billion dollars on consumer fireworks… from China… a symbol of our independence? Lighting our money on fire, to go boom? Nah, its worse than that. Those dollars don’t go boom, they leave our wallets and go to China.

Just because we’re spending a billion dollars, doesn’t mean we can afford it. Americans, as of June 2020, collectively have $3.9 trillion in outstanding U.S. consumer credit card debt. That’s an average of $5,700 per household here in the good ol’ U.S. of A.

With the global pandemic, it seems like now is a great time for us to take stock of our finances and make the best decisions we can for our families. Perhaps instead of introducing China’s chemicals into our neighborhoods, we could light a bon fire. Perhaps instead of accumulating more consumer debt during this national holiday, we could reclaim a bit more fiscal independence and pay down some of our debt. Perhaps our pets would be happier without unheard-to-us sounds on top of the booms, and un-smelled-to-us-smells on top of the sulfur. Perhaps our veterans that bravely served in scary places would be more at peace in their own living rooms during the weeks that otherwise sound like explosions and gun fire, with fewer heart palpitations and immediate, non-voluntary, internal responses.

No perhaps about it. We could make those choices. We made that choice. Will you?

The Expectation Trap: Perfection

The Expectation Trap: Perfection

2020: The Clearest Call to Start the CampFIRE Journey

2020: The Clearest Call to Start the CampFIRE Journey