All tagged planning

Preparing the Homestead for 4 November 2020

Here at Campfire Homesteading, we try our hardest to stay out of the political fray. Our approach is to vote for your interests, whatever that means for you. It is no secret to anyone that America is in the midst of significant domestic turmoil. It is not our intention to argue the merits either way. The reason we raise this is because we are homesteaders and preppers in the sense that we have invested in our own ability to weather a crisis. As a U.S. Army Combat Veteran, I still…

Don't Waste Your Winter

Fall is here and ole’ man winter is not long behind. The time of the year we all look forward to, where we spend time with our families and are reminded of what we should be the most thankful. For us homesteaders, winter provides a break from some of the labor our land demands. The garden is at rest, our chickens stop laying, we may not

Our First Year On This Homestead: Her Thoughts

This week marks our first week on the homestead. I have no idea where the time went. Moving in so late in the summer/early fall, about all we did when we first got here was buy a zero turn mower (cash of course), to keep our 5+ acres in check as we unpacked and settled in. Oh, we did put in a fire pit the day after we moved…