All tagged crisis

Homesteading Infotainment: The Hollywoodification of the Homestead

If you are between the age of 30 and 50, you probably remember the days when any media that portrayed homesteading as pretty normal. For many, ‘Little House on the Prairie’ comes to mind. This was simply a family attempting to live off the land, withstand the elements, dealing with the crisis of the day, and trying to highlight important life lessons. In today’s media landscape, a remake…

Preparing the Homestead for 4 November 2020

Here at Campfire Homesteading, we try our hardest to stay out of the political fray. Our approach is to vote for your interests, whatever that means for you. It is no secret to anyone that America is in the midst of significant domestic turmoil. It is not our intention to argue the merits either way. The reason we raise this is because we are homesteaders and preppers in the sense that we have invested in our own ability to weather a crisis. As a U.S. Army Combat Veteran, I still…