

Welcome to our adventures in growing our food and financial independence.

Yay self-sufficiency and ending the rat race!

Documentary Review: Kiss the Ground

Documentary Review: Kiss the Ground

This was a great show if you still have Netflix. It was really exciting to see homesteading and regenerative farming promoted. In a Hollywood film! This documentary really showed permaculture principles in a positive light, and was really encouraging, personally, to do more, but also encouraging the regenerative farming movement.

It might show you how regenerative farming can grow healthy soil, to grow healthier food, without chemicals, and without government subsidies.

It might show how you can make a profitable living in regenerative farming, making over $100 an acre instead of $1-3 an acre.

It might show you how eating responsibly-raised and processed local animals actually helps sequester carbon emissions while providing real animal protein for your nutritional health. You read that right, animals naturally work with plants to reinstall carbon into the earth where it’s locked in place for centuries.

kiss the ground 5.PNG

It might show you how this natural regeneration method works everywhere, even in your backyard, or even in desserts!

It might show you how growing your own regenerative systems can produce way more food, with far less waste, on the same plot of land, year after year, without carcinogenic chemical sprays.

It might give you goosebumps to learn how we can regrow our planet by using Mother Nature’s methods, with very little investment. Yes—this effort is scalable, and can meet our food demands with a healthy food system, without requiring food to be transported 100s or 1000s of miles.

It might teach you about another universe that lives beneath our feet, working to sequester carbon, grow soil, and feed plants extra nutrients in a wonderfully edible form. And by grow soil as in inches of additional healthy, fertile soil, that might require you to adjust your fence wire every few years!

Regardless of what you think about climate change, this film might motivate you to take control of what you can do, individually, locally in your own neighborhood, against the tough problem of being good stewards of this beautiful Earth.

It’s crazy to think we just need to go back to the old ways, in a way, and utilize Mother Nature’s ways, to heal the earth… seems rather simple? Because it is! Isn’t that great news?

Check it out!

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